There are 4 different types of membership and each have their own unique benefits.
Full Membership
A full membership gives you access to our full range of volunteer services, all social activities, a durable medical equipment lending program, and our newsletter to keep you updated on all Village activities.
Short-term Membership
A short-term membership gives you all the benefits of a full membership on an as needed basis in the event of a surgery or short-term disability.
Social Membership
A social membership gives you access to all of our social activities and our monthly newsletter with all the happenings of the Village. A social membership is a great way to stay connected with others in your community.
Supporting Membership
A supporting membership is a way of showing your support for our mission. In return, Lookout Village provides recognition of your support in our annual report, on our website, and at all public events.
*All memberships other than short-term are annual memberships.